Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Christopher Alexander

"We are searching for some kind of harmony between two intangibles: a form which we have not yet designed and a context which we cannot properly describe."

Monday, May 23, 2011

"If you can't do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?
Just a waste of space in your brain, to take the place of hate, or things all the same"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Deluge at Norderney - Isak Dinesen

“He stood up, his huge and heavy figure looming over them in the large, half-dark room.”

Saturday, May 21, 2011

TheLastTemplar-Raymond Khoury

"This is from....."

Science Textbook

"Blocked by DAM methylation, isoschizomer Sau3AI is not."
Which my biology major sister explained to me is a dna cutting enzyme...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Mermaid Chair - Sue Monk Kidd

"He thought of the chapel behind the chancel, where the mermaid chair sat on a carpeted dias."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk

"Sister Katherine stood over me all morning with a curling iron until my hair was this big butter creme frosting hairdo, this big off-the-face hairdo."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cosmetic Girl Collage

I recently heard about a woman who injected her 8 year old daughter with botox for beauty pageant competitions (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/05/13/BAMG1JG1OD.DTL), inspiring this collage. A typical young girl covered in plastic surgeon lines and makeup, referencing botox needles to call attention to the increasing pressure to "cure" imperfections even for young girls.

Prison Bars Collage Continued

What imprisons him? The bars? The People? Is he a victim? Is he fraught with anger, grief, or anguish?

Cuffs Collage

The blog was down for a while then I took a bit of a break from my computer this weekend, so here goes the catch up work...

In this collage, all the images are related to police brutality combined within a symbol of authority and restraint... hand cuffs

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Prison Collage 3 Continued....

In this collage the images are all related but taken out of their context they have different meanings. The man hunched over alone draws out a feeling of sympathy, the lights bring a representation of authority, and the mug shots a sense of fear and threat. All together in the prison cell, you're not sure if you should sympathize, feel safer, or be aware of the dangers within society.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Project 3 Final Rendering

Final Project 3 drawing:
Squid and ink done in Illustrator
Bubbles watercolored then edited in Photoshop

Sunday, May 1, 2011